Sunday, August 24, 2008


What is Singapore’s current position on passive and active euthanasia?
Singapore does not legalise active euthanasia, as it is similar to murder. However, it does allow passive euthanasia to be administered (see AMD below).

What laws or regulations have been instituted with regard to this issue?
Section s.3 of the Advance Medical Directive Act (Cap.4A): A person above 21 and of sound mind is allowed to execute a directive (witnessed by a family member and a medical practitioner) that he does not desire to be subjected to extraordinary life-sustaining treatment in the event of his suffering from a terminal illness.

Do you agree with Singapore’s position? Why or why not?
We think that the issue of whether euthanasia should be administered should be considered on a case by case basis. As every patient’s circumstances will be different, there can be no standard criteria to determine if euthanasia should be legalised. Therefore, we disagree with Singapore's stand that active euthanasia should definitely be illegal, because a patient might be experiencing such intense suffering that he would very much prefer a quick, painless death.

Zoe, Yingxin, Benkhoo, Joel, Cheryl

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