Tuesday, May 31, 2011

No promises but GOALS!

Ok, I have to stop making promises to myself as I rarely keep up to them. I have fallen ridiculously short on most promises. So I will set realistic goals. Something I am sure I can achieve and WILL ACHIEVE. Short time frame, only a schedule to follow until 25th June when my internship ends.

1) Walk/ Jog: Sleep by 11 pm ( discipline myself in this regard, cos little sleep is no solution).
2) Wake up at 6. Exercise for a minimum of 30 mins-max of 45.
3) After returning home , bathe and do kriya before eating. and then go for a short walk.
4) Study for 1.5hrs everyday! Again must do, try to finish physics by 25th june, or as much of it as posisble....

I have to stick to each of these goals and see how it pans out. OK I WILL STICK TO THESE just until 25th june and plan from there. And I will update this every Sunday just to ensure I am on track..

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