Sunday, April 13, 2008

Gender Roles – Male & Female

First scenario (coming home):
Girl: Upon reaching home, she has to do loads of housework like washing the clothes and hanging them out for drying, cooking, ironing, washing the plates and vacuuming the floor. This suggests that the girl is expected to complete the household chores and manage everything herself without any help.
Guy: Upon reaching home, however, the guy is seen to be watching the television, eating, drinking alcohol or sleeping. The guy is seen to be enjoying himself after he has reached home, probably because he is usually the sole breadwinner of the family and has come home after a long and tiring day.

Second scenario (talking):the guy seems to be talking about business, as in the serious stuff that is strictly relevant, as in the zhen4jing3 stuff.the girltalk can include many flowery and trivial details and topics seem to branch out extensively.

Third scenario (watching a romantic movie):
Girl: The girl is seen to be crying her heart out after watching a romantic movie, this shows that girls tend to be more emotional than guys and they are more likely to express their feelings by showing it.
Guys: The guy, however, is seen to be dozing off halfway through the movie. This suggests that guys are not very emotional and are not very interested in watching such types of movies.

Forth scenario (business trip):
Guy: The guy is seen to go to many different places on business trips, like London, Amsterdam, Moscow, Chicago, San Paolo, Tokyo and Madrid.
Girl: The girl is seen to be tied up when she leaves her house. This suggests that girls do not normally go on business trips.

Fifth scenario (on a diet):
Guy: The guy is seen to be able to go on a diet more effectively. the guy is more able to restrain himself as he has clear objective and sticks to it.
Girl: The girl, however, is seen as being near impossible if she wants to go on a diet. In the video, the girl resorts to taking the guy’s food after she has finished hers. This probably implies that the girl seems to give in to temptation easily.

Sixth scenario (date at 20.00):
Guy: The guy is seen to be punctual for appointments and dates, even when he is busy hours before the appointment.
Girl: The girl is seen to be late for her dates even though she started getting ready hours before the meeting time. She spends hours making up and dolling up herself, and finally reaches the meeting place one hour later.

Seventh scenario (traveling):
Guy: The guy is seen to be efficient and only carries a suitcase which is necessary with him when he travels.
Girl: The girl, on the other hand, is seen to be carrying a massive amount of items when she travels, even if some of them are totally unrelated and may not be used at all.

Eighth scenario (talking):
Guy: The guy is seen to be talking with another guy and they usually talk on only one specific topic.
Girl: The girl is seen to be always talking in a large group and about many different topics.

Ninth scenario (seducing):
the girl uses subtle ways to seduce the guy, which takes a long time.the guy does not even try to seduce. He just directly pounces on the girl.

Tenth scenario (to the toilet)
Girl: The girl is seen to always go to the toilet in groups. When one girl goes to the toilet, the rest follows after her.
Guy: The guy is seen to be going to the toilet alone.

Eleventh scenario (handbag):
Guy: The guy’s bag is seen to only contain essential items such as keys and his wallet.
Girl: The girl’s handbag is seen to contain many different items such as lipstick, sweets, comb, shades, soft toys, books, mirror, makeup kits and even an alarm.

Twelfth scenario (shopping):
Guy: While shopping, the guy is seen to leave after he has found what he wants in the shopping mall.
Girl: However, the girl is seen to be stopping at many different sections along the way while looking for the item that she wants as she is distracted. She eventually takes a long time to buy her item. After she leaves, she returned to have a last look at the goods.

Thirteenth scenario (the ideal partner):
Guy: The guy envisions his ideal partner as one who is able to do all the housework and look after children well.
Girl: However, the girls envision their ideal partner the same way too.

There should be a right mix between the qualities of both the guy and the girl in order to achieve a good balance.

opinion: For those who feel that the film is not a parody, it is because it truly reflects what the society is like today. The females are now demanding a higher standard for the males and expect them to be versatile and all-rounded. Both males and females have been stereotyped and expected to behave in a certain way. It seems perfectly normal for the girl to get everything she wants and for the guy to comply with her. This is perhaps due to social changes which causes the males to become more inferior compared to the females.

For those who feel that...This film is a parody. Cos it takes only the various faults of the male/female and portrays it in a very funny way. the different actions of the male and female are very apparently stereotyped, (even though there IS a bit of truth in it) Besides, now that there is more emphasis on the equality of men and women, things change and there is not much difference between how the men and women behave.

from Fang ting, Kim, Min Jia, Jun Ling, Bryan Cai, 09S03K

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