Sunday, April 20, 2008

Women vs Men - Funny Animation by Bruno Bozzetto

This animation is basically about STEREOTYPES, about society's supposed general perception of males and females and the differences between males and females.

First and foremost, our group feels that these stereotypes do exist and are true (ie. women spend a longer time getting ready to go out because a lot of women apply make up before going out, something men do not generally do). A stereotype we would like to raise is the one whereby women are shown to spend a lot more time shopping as compared to men. We think that this could be due to the fact that a lot of advertisements/industries are targeted at women. For example, during runway shows of brands that carry both female and male lines, it can be seen that most of the clothes showcased are for women, rather than showcasing an equal amount of male clothing. In addition, most of the fashion magazines are targeted at females. Hence, it can be said that women generally spend a longer time on shopping because they have more choices to choose from.

However, this does not necessarily mean that males and females fit their stereotypes. As such, we must be careful to note that we should not form impressions based on stereotypes because everyone is unique (:

Done by:
Yiksin, Edith, Christian, Yu Wen
09S07A (:

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