The animation created by Bruno Bozzetto focuses on the societal stereotypes of men and women. It portrays the differences in the behaviour of males and females, and our group is in agreement with most of the stereotypes shown in the video.
The video has been fairly accurate in pointing out the different verbal patterns between males and females due to the difference in the construction of our brains. Research has shown that females are able to multi-task better and are able to speak in a more cognitive manner. Also, females react more sensitively to their emotions, thus are more prone to expressing their emotions while doing simple things such as watching a movie.
However, our group disagrees with the point where men return home after work to have a range of relaxation activities, while women return home only to start working on housework. In this current day and age, the employment rate of maids in Singapore has been increasing and hence more and more households have a reliance on maids to do the housekeeping. As such, working women are no longer greeted by a list of chores upon returning home.
In addition, the female working class has been gradually increasing in recent years due to a higher value being placed on education. In this way, working women do get opportunities to travel overseas on business trips, as opposed to the message brought across by the video whereby they are constantly being tied down by familial responsibilities.
In conclusion, stereotypes vary over the years as societal values change gradually. Although some stereotypes are true to real life, our group feels that it is important to judge others as we see them, rather than basing our judgments on certain stereotypes as stereotypes do not necessarily apply to each and everyone of us, but instead only present the common trends in society.
- Baorong, Bryan A., Melissa, Ruisi (09S06J)
Monday, April 21, 2008
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