The video reflected the distinct differences between the habits and behavior of males and females. It managed to effectively drive its point on the dissimilarity of the two sexes by animating, in an exaggerated manner (eg. seduction by males), our typical day-to-day tendencies, without the list becoming too exhaustive.
There were many scenarios reenacted (such as coming home, speaking, dieting, going to the toilet), each which provoked a different magnitude of response, mainly laughter due to its farcical nature. However, such reactions were not mere laughter, but rather thoughtful laughter, which first require prior knowledge about the events. It is interesting to note that the scene that generated the most laughter were the ones that the audience were guilty of committing themselves, having the element of truth, thus they were able to relate to the event portrayed (besides the scene of seduction of course!). Those who were able to see themselves in that seen responded most violently. For example, the scene of dieting (which is common occurrence among the teenagers of today) revealed the painful truth to the audience that females usually do not stick to their diets. The scene depicting the trip to the toilet was also especially memorable because this behaviour is commonly seen in the members of our class.
The clip ended off posting a question to the audience: whether all of the scenes were stereotypes. Though we agree that the gender stereotypes portrayed in this video are typically true of male and female behaviour, it must be noted that this is not applicable to everyone, since each person might have their own eccentricities and habits. But it is undeniable that these are common trends not only in communities, but seen around the world. (The animator being an Italian, and we Singaporean students could understand his message.) These have led to the development of stereotypes, labeling certain behaviours to different sexes.
Benkhoo, Cheryl, Joel, Yingxin, Zoe09S06H
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