Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Reflections on Paint Chart Test

Our group feels that the paintchart test is not very useful and not applicable especially to a co-ed environment. This could be due to the fact that females and males might not be willing to express themselves freely in front of others. In addition, as the test was conducted in an informal setting, it cannot said to be successful since the class was not particularly serious about attempting the test and wrote their responses in such a way that would make people laugh.

However, that is not to say the test is entirely inaccurate. Some questions/assumptions made during the test actually proved to be correct. An example of such questions/assumptions would be that guys compare the colour with objects (e.g. Mr faizad's pants, a typical ah beng's shirt colour) while girls generally describe the appearance of the colour. Still, it must be noted that most of the questions/assumptions made were proven to be wrong after an analysis of the answers on the white board, which reiterates the point that the paintchart test is not really useful on the whole.

Done by:
Yiksin, Edith, Christian, Yu Wen
09S07A (:

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