Saturday, July 12, 2008

PRO-CHOICE (for abortion):Abortion is absolutely necessary because given this state that the family is in, the mother is obviously unable to continue providing for another child. The remaining surviving children have been struck with illnesses, and medical expenses have to be incurred to cure them or provide them with medication. Furthermore, the 4 children are already receiving very minimal care now since the grandmother is an alcoholic and there is no one to take care of them. If the mother is going to give birth to the unborn child, who would be willing/able to take care of him? Also, the mother has to consider the fact that since everyone of her previous children has gotten a disease, there is a very high chance that the unborn child would get a disease too as it may be inherited. Thus, if the unborn child, unfortunately, gets a disease, it will worsen the current situation that the family is in. Hence, the mother SHOULD go for an abortion. Besides, if the mother goes for an abortion, she might be guilt-ridden for the rest of her life, as she would feel like a murderer who has taken someone's life away. Therefore, our group feels that an abortion would have been the best choice.

Toh Junling, Ang Fang Ting, Chua Min Jia, Bryan Cai, Kimberly-Anne Tan, 09S03K

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