Sunday, July 27, 2008

Richard Layard's 'Economics & Happiness'

1) Our welfare is affected by how well people work with each other and how societal benefits and not by trying to make oneself richer.

2) He is trying to show economists are now worshipped by society, that people now worship economics and that the age of religion has been replaced by the age of commerce.

3) It is used to highlight the irony that Kahnman is recognised for his contribution to economics when he is more well known for his research in the field of psychology.

4) The wealthy are like the polluters, bringing about dissatisfaction due to the widening income gap which does not benefit the either and thus they have to be responsible for it.

5) It can be deduced that the main aim in life for the modern society is that of pleasure and that they are stuck in a never ending chase for it, just like being on a treadmill.

6) The writer is trying to say that he feels that society's disdain for politicians is uncalled for.

Inez, Isis, Bryan Oh, Charlene

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