Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sample questions on Richard Layard's 'Economics & Happiness'

Please identify the questions types and try to answer these questions to the best of your ability - bearing in mind all that we've talked about with regard to comprehension skills this term.

  1. What is the evidence the writer points out in Paragraph 1? Use your own words as far as possible. [2]
  2. Why does the author use the words 'high priests', 'prophets', 'wizards' and 'mystique' in relation to the field of economics in Paragraph 2? [1]
  3. Explain the use of the word 'yes' in Line 22. [1]
  4. Using your own words as far as possible, explain the 'polluter pays' principle in Paragraph 7. [2]
  5. What view of modern society can you deduce from the phrase 'hedonistic treadmill' (lines 40-41)? [2]
  6. What does the writer intend you to understand by the use of parentheses in line 51? [1]
Happy working!

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