Saturday, July 26, 2008

Richard Layard's 'Economics & Happiness'

1) The evidence is that the emotional state of people are affected bythe combined efforts fo the people, as well as the welfare of the whlesociety, and not merely individual attainments.

2) The author uses the words to show that people now worship economics and
wealth more than religion so the world of religion is replaced by theworld of economics.
3) It is to express the irony of the situation that even though
Kahneman won the nobel prize in economics, his work was more related to psychology.

4) People who upset the balance in a society, such as the rich peoplewho contribute the most to pollution, ought to be responsible for itsnegative impacts.

5) Modern society regards the pursuit of money as the source ofpleasure and are in a never ending race to achieve it.

6)It is his personal view and judgement and is telling us that thereis no valid reason for the negative perception of the economics today.

Li Min, Rachel, Shi Min, Yi Yue, Tao Tao (who is in UK now), 09S03K

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