Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Richard Layard's 'Economics and happiness'

1. What is the evidence the writer points out in Paragraph 1? Use your own words as far as possible. [2]

The evidence that the writer points out is that our happiness is dependant on teamwork and the public welfare and not on any self enrichment.

2.Why does the author use the words 'high priests', 'prophets', 'wizards' and 'mystique' in relation to the field of economics in Paragraph 2? [1]

He uses these words to emphasise the point that the field of economics is now considered so great that it is superior to any other thing. Thus the author has to use such words to describe the field of economics.

3.Explain the use of the word 'yes' in Line 22. [1]

The word ‘yes’ is used to show that the author is answering an obvious thought and as it is the first word of the sentence, it emphasizes the author’s answer.

4.Using your own words as far as possible, explain the 'polluter pays' principle in Paragraph 7. [2]

This phrase means that whoever does anything to harm or negatively impact something or someone else should compensate for it. In this context it means that since the rich and the wealthy make the poorer people discontented, they should be made to compensate for the poor people’s unhappiness.

5.What view of modern society can you deduce from the phrase 'hedonistic treadmill' (lines 40-41)? [2]

It can be deduced that people in the modern society continuously work hard or keep trying to gain something in order to gain what they believe is self-gratification. However, like on the treadmill, they keep going but get nothing in return, i.e. they are never completely satisfied so they keep going.

6.What does the writer intend you to understand by the use of parentheses in line 51? [1]

The writer intends us to understand that he personally finds the public contempt for the politicians unfair.

Done by: Mansi, Emily, Evelyn, Yi Hui and Ying Hin

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